
Clearing the Smoke from the Cloud | Nitzan Shapira at Epsagon

Cloud computing for many companies has become more than a trend—it’s a way of life. And yet, the logs and metrics used for these distributed systems are often headaches. Engineers can take hours searching through logs and troubleshooting issues that should only take minutes to resolve.

This was the opinion of Nitzan Shapira when he co-founded Epsagon, which gives teams automated instrumentation and tracing for containers like Kubernetes and virtual machines.

On this edition of UpTech Report, Nitzan explains this technology and tells us how it’s helping people easily see the complexities of their systems from first line of code to deployment.

More information:

Nitzan is the CEO and a co-founder of Epsagon. He is a software engineer with 15 years of experience in software development, management, and cybersecurity from the Israeli Intelligence unit. He also enjoys playing the piano and is a traveling enthusiast, an experienced chess player, and is addicted to sports.

Epsagon enables teams to instantly visualize, understand and optimize their microservice architectures. With our comprehensive lightweight auto-instrumentation, gaps in data and manual work associated with other APM solutions are eliminated, providing significant reductions in issue detection, root cause analysis, and resolution times. Increase development velocity and reduce application downtime with Epsagon.




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