
Moneyball for Software Engineering | Jeffrey Haynie from Pinpoint

Artificial Intelligence is helping us work smarter and faster in every industry from clothing to cars. But can artificial intelligence help us build better artificial intelligence?

In this episode of UpTech Report, I interviewed Jeffrey Haynie, the CEO and co-founder of Pinpoint, which uses AI to help software developers gain better insights to provide efficiency and deliver stronger results. Pinpoint even uses their product to help improve their own product. Jeffrey discusses his efforts to build a common language to better communicate the process of software development and the challenges of being at the forefront of his field.

Inside of the software factory

What’s happening inside the software engineering process? Only engineers can understand that? The idea of Pinpoint is to try to help software leaders to better understand it.

Jeffrey himself is an engineer and they try to uncover what’s going on inside of the software factory.

“We think of a lot of software as a pipeline. If you thought about software, at the end of the day, ideas sort of go into the top of the pipeline and sort of comes out, as a working product, free from defects, doing all the fun, and hopefully achieving the business outcomes”, says Jeffrey.

The problem is what happens in the middle of the pipeline, something that usually non-technical people can’t understand.  Here’s where Pinpoint comes in.

Jeff is co-founder and CEO at Pinpoint, helping companies unlock engineering performance to build software better. Previously, Jeff co-founded and scaled Appcelerator (home to Titanium, a development toolkit used by more than a million developers around the world) to acquisition by Axway in 2016.

Jeff is a long-time serial entrepreneur and angel investor—prior to Appcelerator, Jeff was Co-founder and CTO of Vocalocity, and CTO of digital incubator eHatchery. He has worked on numerous standard committees from IETF to W3C, and contributed to several open source technologies including JBoss and OpenVXI. At the beginning of his career, Jeff served with distinction in the U.S. Navy.



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