
Need to Order Up a Painter? Improovy Uses AI to Match Homeowners With Contractors -Andre Kazimierski

In this edition of the UpTech Report, host Alexander Ferguson meets with the CEO of Improovy to discuss how he took his painting contracting company and turned it into a tech company. Along the way, he has become an expert in SEO strategy, so he will also be sharing some of his top tips for local SEO and search engine marketing.

Kazimierski has a fascinating Founder’s Journey, and in many ways, Improovy now functions kind of like an Uber for the home improvement industry.

Instead of spending hours figuring out who to hire, how to schedule the work, and coordinating everything, Improovy’s AI system handles the entire process. The consumer simply requests a quote for a painting job, and after agreeing to the terms, the painters show up at the house ready to work — it’s that easy! 

Improovy’s algorithms know which contractors are available, who has the specific expertise necessary for the job. Plus, all of the payments and logistics are handled on one simple platform that has an interface designed to improve the lives of both homeowners and contractors.

Andre have been building and scaling successful home service businesses for the past 15 years. Growing up in Chicago, he saw the struggles of contractors and small business owners first-hand.

The majority of hi family were immigrants from Poland that started home service and construction businesses when they came to the US. Working hundred-hour workweeks to make barely enough to cover the bills was the status quo for them.

Having spent my entire life in the trades, he knew there is a better way for the industry to operate. Starting with residential painting, Improovy was founded to make the lives of contractors better. In turn, we empower tradespeople to provide the best services of their careers for homeowners.



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