
From JD to CTO to CEO | Darin Brown from Docket

As a software developer and team leader, Darin Brown has seen all sides of the startup world through several companies—big successes, hard failures, acquisitions, and the one thing binding them together, a lot of unproductive meetings.

It was the desire to solve this problem of meetings that led him to co-found Docket, which offers a software tool for making meetings more efficient, directed, and ultimately worthwhile.

On this edition of UpTech Report, Darin takes us through his journey from a junior developer, to a CTO, to the co-founder and CEO of his own company, and what he’s learned along the way.

More information:

Docket was co-founded in January 2019 by CEO Darin Brown. Prior to co-founding Docket, Darin served as the CTO of Angie’s List and Vice President at Salesforce and ExactTarget.

As in his previous roles, Darin laid the foundation, building an amazing, experienced team and board of directors. Team members bring a variety of experience including co-founder, CTO, marketing technology, mergers and acquisitions, marketing, compliance, customer management, and product-led growth. From early-stage startup, growth-level, and enterprise experience, our leadership knows what it takes to start companies from the ground up and nurture them to success.




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