
Transforming Fashion with a Shape-Shifting Mannequin |Audrey-Laure Bergenthal at Euveka

Visits to the local tailor aren’t as common as they once were. The focus is on mass-produced garments that ideally fit our body type as best as possible. We are short, tall, slight, and large, and clothes require complicated adjustments to fit a diverse population.

But though designers and tailors are working hard at major clothing companies—and also at other suppliers, such as the military and sports sectors—they’re working without the customers to measure.

In this edition of UpTech Report, I talk with Audrey-Laure Bergenthal, the founder and CEO of Euveka, who realized that the industrialization of clothes had only occurred at the production end, not the design end. What if there was a way to replicate that customer base that’s gone missing, to give designers the proper framework to build on? The Biomimetic Robot Mannequin was Audrey-Laure’s answer.

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After hearing numerous complaints of her mother who could not easily find garments that would fit her well. Audrey-Laure Bergenthal realized that garments for the whole planet were made out of one single wooden mannequin dating back to the 19th century. These did not resemble anyone and prompted her to create the first biometric robot-mannequin with instant shapeshifting.

Audrey-Laure Bergenthal chose not to pursue her law studies at Harvard and instead to study Fashion Design and Modeling at the Formamod School of Paris in 2008 to learn the profession of its future users and develop industry skills. For 5 years she worked as a product manager in the fashion and luxury apparel sector. Working as a University Lecturer at Science-Po Paris and a consultant in fashion innovation strategy she set out to self-finance her project. 

Audrey-Laure created Euveka in 2011. With the filing of a technological patent and industrial partners to initiate the project. She led the first fundraising in 2015 to launch a prototype of a robot-mannequin, assemble a team and devote entirely to Euveka. With the success of this Fashion Technology concept, second fundraising was undertaken in 2017 to industrialize the solution. As a result of 7 years of R&D, Euveka’s women-connected model is a technological innovation designed to adapt as closely as possible to the evolution of the human body, according to age or morphotypes.




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The Art of Confidence |Audrey-Laure Bergenthal at Euveka