
AI Power to the People | William Falcon from

The possible uses for artificial intelligence are endless—and so are the headaches. Designing an AI application can mean running through hundreds of iterations, taking months of time.

And managing the scalability is an engineering task most smaller organizations don’t have the manpower for. As an employee at Facebook, William Falcon didn’t much need to worry about these things.

He had an army of engineers and enough computing power to simulate a universe. But what about the people who didn’t work for big tech?

The answer to this question eventually became, a startup William co-founded to give everyone the power to quickly run through hundreds of AI iterations while eliminating the need to manage infrastructure.

On this edition of UpTech Report, William tells us how the technology works and some fascinating use cases.

More information:

William Falcon is the creator of the popular open-source project PyTorch Lightning, and the recently announced William created Lightning while doing his PhD at NYU and as a PhD researcher at Facebook AI; Lightning allows users to scale models without the boilerplate and Grid enables large-scale training on the cloud.

Previously he co-founded the now acquired NextGenVest and spent time at Goldman Sachs.

His PhD (currently on leave to focus on Lightning and Grid), is funded by Google Deepmind and NSF Foundation. His research interest is in unsupervised learning and the intersection of AI and neuroscience.

William is a native of Venezuela and holds a BA from Columbia University in Computer Science and Statistics, with a minor in Math.



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