
Giving AI a Helping Hand | Yotam Oren from Mona Labs

Perhaps the most exciting and frequently discussed technology of the 21st century is artificial intelligence. We’re using AI for solutions in everything from diagnosing serious medical conditions to selecting the right shade of nail polish.

But every solution brings a new set of problems, and AI is no exception. Predictive models become stale, they adopt biases, and the results can be costly and embarrassing.

Yotam Oren discovered these sorts of problems were widespread—so he started Monal Labs to fix them, a technology startup that allows you to monitor AI performance to ensure accuracy and transparency.

On this edition of UpTech Report, Yotam talks about the original problems he set out to solve and why AI should never be left alone in the room.

More information:

Yotam is the Co-Founder and CEO of Mona, an SaaS startup empowering data scientists. Yotam is a tech executive, with a 15+ years experience in bringing data-driven products to the enterprise software market.

Before Mona, Yotam held multiple roles at ADP, most recently as VP Operations and Growth of ADP’s cloud payroll software. Prior to ADP, Yotam was an Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company, a business development associate at Google, and a software engineer at Telmap Ltd (acquired by Intel in 2011).

Yotam holds a B.Sc (Magna Cum Laude) in Bioinformatics from Ben Gurion University in Israel, and an MBA (with distinction) from the University of Michigan.




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